modesto tweetup triumpherate

modesto tweetup triumpherate

Saturday, May 23, 2009

proud to be a part

n.a three-person stand for supporting a community, or any other local need   (ok so that is slightly modified)

positively uplift our community

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Recently, I've been extremely blessed to have been invited into two select groups of local individuals who really give a damn about our city, Modesto, CA.  These two groups have very similar goals and are led by talented folks.  As they are similar on the surface based solely upon their desire to "make a difference," I believe they are different in their methods of setting out to achieve this task.  That said, tonight unbeknownst to each, these two groups have taken a giant step forward in getting closer to the overwhelming goal of previously mentioned task.  

Here are my two groups:  Modestotweetup, please see or, and Commonwealth Modesto.  At Modestotweetup we have established that by utilizing the social media platform of we've been able to embrace our local community, gather them/it together in a format that WILL (and I say "will" with conviction) most certainly change the lives of not only the participants, but the natural "circle of influence" of the participants as well.  Commonwealth Modesto is a much larger and broader group of like-minded community leaders that have banded together for many needed local initiatives.  One of these initiatives is the daunting task of re-branding the city.  

Tonight, Sarah Fields, one person who has been active on a crusade in reaching similar goals through similar means has helped kick the proverbial boulder over the cliff...  In my opinion, Sarah's willingness to champion the power of social media and its affect on our local community has penetrated these same two groups, brought them together (even if by default) and will be extremely effektive (oops, did I spell that incorrectly?) solution in this desire to make a local difference for Modesto.  I look forward to continue building upon the passion of my circle of influence as we march proudly towards changing the perception of this town in the minds of its residents, which will in-turn lift Modesto off the Forbes most miserable places to live list.

Chin up Modesto, we are coming, and we WILL make a difference.  I challenge you to take an active roll.  Educate yourself.  Be proud of where you live.

Signing off,
